Faulvynoix "Songblade" Fortemps

"The very purpose of a knight is to fight with 'Shields High'."

General Information

Race:Wildwood Elezen
Relationship Status:Single
Personality:Gentle, Protective, Just
Disposition:He is a very "Find the silver-lining" kind of guy.
Residence:No set Residence
Occupation:Temple Knight
Voice Claim:Leonhard the Ringfinger from Dark Souls III
Special RP Notes:None at the moment


Seeing Double - Faulvynoix bares a striking resemblance to a female Elezen from your past. Whether you think to straight up say so or simply approach him to see how far the similarities go, it is an uncanny resemblance. This is for those who have interacted with or have a backstory with Valeska Voltaire. If you have not already interacted with Valeska then please ask first so we can see if we can work something out.Temple Knight - Vyn prides himself on being a proper knight and is willing to help anyone in need. Whether your caravan needs a guard, someone stole from you, or you just need a kitten rescued from a tree, Vyn will happily volunteer.


Faulvynoix is the first-born son of the Fortemps family. While he is from a lower branch of the family, cousin to the current head, Artoirel, he was still held to high standards by his father. His father, still sour over not being named Head of the family in place of Count Edmont, pushed Faulvynoix to be the best in all that he attempted. As such, Vyn grew up learning how to fight, how to act in formal situations, and was rarely allowed to simply be a child.When Vyn was about 10 years of age, his mother fell pregnant. Vyn was excited to have a younger sibling to play with, and hoped that his father would grow softer with the new addition to the family. He had just turned 11 when his sister was born. Veleane Fortemps was the most beautiful thing Vyn had ever seen. Whenever he was not studying or practicing, he was helping his mother care for his younger sister. Unfortunately, his father had only loosened the tension on Vyn by a mere margin.Years later, as Vyn had turned 14 and his sister 3, Vyn was playing with his sister when their father came in to tell them that their mother had fallen ill and would be taken to a clinic to be treated. Vyn never saw his mother again. Shortly after, he was sent to squire for a temple knight, "To bring honor to the Fortemps name" was his father's reasoning.When he had reached 20 years of age he had made his way back home to share the news that he was now a knight in his own right, excited to see how much his sister had grown. Instead, he found that she too had been sent from the house and that their father had become an insufferable drunk. Vyn's first act of business was to get their home back in order, he figured Veleane was safe where their father had sent her. In between his duties as a Temple Knight, Vyn found time to get the family finances straightened out, help those around him, and even make trips others were not willing to make in order to ensure the knights stationed in remote areas were well cared for.In his time as a Temple Knight, Vyn worked closely with his cousins and formed a strong bond with Haurchefant. Vyn knew the struggles of a hard-to-please father and did his best to stay by Haurchefant's side. Through the years, Vyn would tell all who would listen about his little sister and how cute she was as a child and always kept an ear out for her whereabouts. He has yet to find her, to this day, and fears he never will.


Hello there! Thank you for checking out Faulvynoix, I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about him. Below is a bit more information about myself.

Age Range:25-30 years
Pronouns:She/Her, They/Them
Years of RP Experience:20
RP StylePara/mirror
Comfortable RPAll RP
Preferred InitiationWalk-ups and /tells ok.
OOC:IC?OOC≠IC / RP is separate from my IRL

I would like to stress that what Vyn likes and what I like will not always match up. Vyn is his own person, so to speak, and will have his own thoughts and feelings about certain matters. Because of this, I prefer to RP any connections he might have with someone. For example, if you would like your character to know Vyn from his past, that can be worked out, but I would rather like to RP out the past interactions in order to work out how Vyn would currently feel about your character upon seeing them again.This also means that I might like you but Vyn might not like your character. So if interactions with Vyn have turned sour, please don't assume that things have gone sour with me personally.

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